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Santiago de Compostela

This famous pilgrimage site in north-west Spain became a symbol in the Spanish Christians' struggle against Islam. Destroyed by the Muslims at the end of the 10th century, it was completely rebuilt in the following century. With its Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque buildings, the Old Town of Santiago is one of the world's most beautiful urban areas. The oldest monuments are grouped around the tomb of St James.

Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Família is a one-of-a-kind temple, for its origins, foundation and purpose. Fruit of the work of genius architect Antoni Gaudí, the project was promoted by the people for the people. Five generations now have watched the Temple progress in Barcelona. Today, more than 135 years after the laying of the cornerstone, construction continues on the Basilica and is expected to be completed in 2026.

Catholicism has a large influence in the Spanish culture and there are many spiritual sites that make a pilgrimage to Spain enlightening. Typical tours through Spain will include stops at Santiago de Compostela, the destination of the ancient pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. James, and Zaragoza, home of the first recorded Marian Apparition.  We also support and host Ignatian retreats and Pilgrimages from the rich spiritual and pedagogical tradition established by St. Ignatius and his first companions. In places of great historical and religious significance, such as Loyola, Arántzazu, Xavier, Montserrat and Manresa, and in the nearby cities – Bilbao, San and legacy Sebastián, of St. Pamplona, Ignatius and Zaragoza as well as gain an appreciation for Barcelona.

Most of our pilgrimages to Spain are part of our extremely popular Marian Shrines pilgrimages that include visits to famous shrines in Fatima, Portugal and Lourdes, France as well as many other spiritual and secular sites.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola