What is a Pilgrimage?

A Pilgrimage differs from a tour in several important ways. It is a personal invitation from God, composed of His offer and dependent upon the pilgrim's acceptance. God's call may vary but the purpose remains consistent– it is an individual summons to know God more fully. A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to which the pilgrim joyfully responds "yes" to God's invitation.
Although in previous centuries many trials were intrinsic to a pilgrimage, the modern pilgrim has an abundance of affordable travel options. Yet the purpose is still a journey to a holy, sacred place to usher the pilgrim into the presence of God.
A pilgrimage is a time of prayer and to witness the miraculous signposts God has left for our return to Him. Ask God to bless you with a heart that will be receptive to the treasure chest of graces He desires to shower upon your pilgrimage. The success of your spiritual journey will depend upon your openness, faith, flexibility, and love.

Pilgrimages, journeys to sacred places for religious motives, are as old as civilization. Since the earliest times such journeys have been made as acts of devotion, penance, or thanksgiving or in search of blessings or miracles.
From Reverend Father Matthew Flatley of the Dioceses of Jefferson City:
If you have any questions and or concerns throughout, please do not hesitate to call or email us so we can address.
God Bless,
George Hudson
TravelTyme Pilgrimages
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